Lithium Batteries Up to 100Ah

Invicta Hybrid Extreme Max Left Hand Post 80Ah Lithium Starter Battery, 1400 CCA
$1,846 $2,199
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Struggling to choose between caravan batteries? With so many out there, there are a few important factors to consider when choosing the right caravan batteries for your vehicle. Start by looking at weight, efficiency and size. A lithium battery will be sure to tick all those boxes.
Lithium Caravan Batteries
If you’re hitting the road for a longer trip and want to run high current appliances and gadgets, lithium batteries offer heaps of advantages in weight, size and efficiency. In short, lithium batteries promise higher efficiency and better lifecycles in a lightweight package, which makes them ideal for caravan trips. Plus, lithium caravan batteries require less maintenance and last a lot longer.
Looking for top brands? Check out our range of Enerdrive, Baintech, Invicta, Revolution Power, Victron and Power-Sonic caravan batteries. Will it be batteries from market leading brand Enerdrive? Or Australia’s favourite choice for reliable, robust and quality lithium batteries, Revolution Power? We’ve got something for every budget and power application. To make life easier, you’ll find bundles with everything you need to power up your caravan trip, like DC2DC chargers, battery monitors and AC chargers.
Shop our huge range of caravan batteries from top brands today.