3 Reasons Why It's Time For A Bathroom In Your Caravan

3 Reasons Why It's Time For A Bathroom In Your Caravan

Have just purchased a vintage caravan or an old school bus and you’re thinking about decking it out with all the latest and greatest gadgets. Wherever you’re up to in your caravanning journey, here are 3 reasons why installing a caravan bathroom should be top of your to-do list.


1. Convenience On Campsites

No more walking to public campsite toilets in the middle of the night dodging ropes, fumbling for your torch and swatting mosquitos out of the toilet bowls. This is not only annoying but can also be cold in the middle of winter. When you have a caravan with an ensuite you won’t ever go back. The sheer convenience of having a toilet just a few footsteps away will make everything feel just that little bit easier when you’re out on the road. Your bladder will thank you too.


2. Increase The Value Of Your Caravan

It goes without saying, that a caravan with an ensuite is worth more than one without. Even if you don’t intend on selling your caravan in the near future, it is worth considering the effort of including an ensuite in your caravans next refurb. Not only will you get to enjoy the creature comforts of home in your freedom machine while you do own it, but you will reap the rewards when you do decide to sell it too.


3. You Can Camp Anywhere

One of the major comforts of being at home is having access to everything you need. Your caravan should be no different. When adequately equipped, your home on wheels can go anywhere. You won’t always have to search for the campsites with bathrooms, which will usually mean you will can visit less crowded destinations and pay less for your overnight stays. While this doesn’t mean you will necessarily want to free camp, it does give you the option to if you had to.

There are lots of options in terms of what type of bathroom accessories you use for your caravan too. So whether you want to spend a lot or just a little, there's something to suit your budget requirements. 


To shop our full range of caravan ensuite essentials click here, or if you require any assistance in choosing or finding the right caravan ensuite products for you, feel free to call our team on 1800 787 278. 

DISCLAIMER* Please note, this advice is general in nature and we strongly recommend consulting the product manual and where relevant, a professional installer.

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