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Heading out fishing? Make sure you have the best chance to catch the fish with a bite alarm!

Stay Alert with A Bite Alarm

Don’t miss a trick when you’re fishing. If you’ve got a bite, you don’t have long to reel it in. That’s why you need a bite alarm. This fishing indicator will give you an audible alarm so you can react quickly as soon as you get a bite!

Bite alarms are bells that are placed on your rod. The bells jingle and you will hear the sounds as soon as the fish is nibbling your bait. If you’re out fishing with mates or your family, bite alarms mean you can be distracted and still know when the fish is hooked. You can also have lots of rods and use a bite alarm to know when there are bites on one of the lines.

Fishing In the Dark

Night fishing is a great sport, and bite alarms are a great tool when you’re fishing in the dark. You can hear when a fish has been nabbed, even though you can’t see it! Check out our bite alarms by Sure Catch and never miss a catch again!

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