Travelling With Kids

Travelling With Kids

Top 10 Tips For Travelling With Kids


  1. Choose Your RV Carefully

While it may seem basic, choosing the right caravan is essential to a successful family trip. You don’t want to be miles away from home just realize that you have underestimated your space and have nowhere to rest your head.

Decide between a full-scale motorhome and a fully-equipped caravan, depending on your needs.

Before setting out on the road, always make sure that your ride is suitable to be housing your family for the entire duration of the trip.


  1. Let Your Children Help With Planning

Young children can find a shift in their daily routine difficult to deal with. In order to minimize your child’s camping stress, be sure to let them help with the planning of the trip prior to setting out.

Discuss various trip options (such as accommodations, routes, and activities) with them and let them have a say in what is to go on.

Knowing the schedule in advance will allow your child to adjust to the idea of the trip and to properly anticipate what will be going on.

This does not just apply to younger children, however.

In order to avoid the stereotypical angst-ridden adolescent traveler, be sure to ask your teen what kind of activities interest them and what they would like to do, as well.  

They will be pleased to know that many popular caravan parks are equipped with WiFi accessibility.


  1. Stops Will Be Essential

During long road trips, children require about 15-30 minutes of stretching for every 2 to 3 hours on the road.

This tip was suggested in regards to physical health, however, we can assure you that the little break will also do wonders for mental health, as well.

Yours, in particular.

Take advantage of these required stops to grab a quick bite or to explore the local downtown shopfronts.

You can even make a game out of it. 

Bring along some fun outdoors equipment and trying to find each town’s park (or library, or transit center).

Your kids will have a blast helping you to spot them out and exploring them along the way.


  1. Have Activities Planned in Advance

Regardless of how many toys, books, and movies you bring along with you, your children will eventually get bored being cooped up in a small space with nothing interesting to do.

Research is essential to making a travel plan that will be a hit with the kids. It doesn’t matter whether this means looking up hometown tourist attractions along your planned route or simply choosing a caravan park that specializes in family fun.

As long as you have one or two fun activities planned for each day on the road, your children should be able to avoid a full-blown case of the stir-crazies.


  1. …But Don’t Overdo It

As parents, we often want to expose our children to the largest amounts of memories possible.

Although a family vacation is the perfect time to create some of these lifelong moments, overstimulation can often lead to cranky and unpleasant behavior.

As mentioned, you want to have at least one or two activities to entertain your children, whether it be one large one or two small ones. More than this, however, can lead to serious overtiredness.


  1. Expect The Unexpected

While this piece of advice may seem to go against that which was previously stated, it’s supremely important to keep in mind. Having a routine is imperative when traveling with children. However, flexibility ranks fairly high on the list, as well. 

When it comes down to it, planning ahead is essential to a successful family camping trip. But, children, by their nature, have a tendency of going against the grain.

Be conscious of your time and always try to arrive at your destinations a bit early which will allow your children to adapt and settle in before trying to settle down.  

If unanticipated events do arise, however, they must be taken with a grain of salt. It’s all part of the “traveling with children” experience. 


  1. Allow For Some Wiggle Room

Even though camping can be a great experience, unfortunate incidents can (and do occur) on the road.

These events can include anything from mechanical trouble, a popped tire, extreme weather conditions, or a random case of illness.  Regardless of their specific nature, these events have the potential of extending your camping trip by hours and even days.

To avoid bringing your children to school a few days late, always dedicate a few days of wiggle room to the last leg of your trip.

If they are needed, you’ll be glad you thought ahead. If not, they will still provide you with a couple of days to get your and your children back into your day-to-day home life routine.


  1.  Don’t Forget Cleaning Supplies

We’re all familiar with the countless “traveling with children” packing checklists offered online.

In general, these lists offer a ton of valuable information. However, many are not tailored towards caravan camping, in particular.

You have to remember that you will not be staying in a hotel and will not have the typical household luxuries that you are used to unless you bring them.

Children are messy creatures. This is a fact. Do yourself a favor and bring a few wipes, cleaning sprays, and whatever else you think you may need.

Nothing ruins a trip faster than spending it in filth.


  1. Pack Lightly

You are obviously going to want to bring the essentials. Depending on the region you’re headed, this could be anything from sunscreen and a bathing suit, to mittens and a warm sweater.

Once you have your clothes and toiletries prepared, it is always best to go light on the rest.

The children will likely require games, books, and other activities to keep them entertained while driving, but don’t feel compelled to lug their entire playroom with you.

A cramped caravan is no fun to relax in. And to be honest, your children will likely be bored of most of their toys by the time you’re halfway done your trip.

If you will be traveling for an extended period, it may be beneficial to have a few dollars dedicated to picking up a few small items for your children along the way.

This extends the novelty of the toys while also boosting your child’s mood with a fun, new treat.


  1.  Most Importantly: Don’t Stress

While you were spending countless hours meticulously planning your family vacation down to the last detail, you likely had one final goal in mind: a great time.

In a few years from now, the fact that you forgot an item, or the fact that your child had a full-blown temper tantrum, will not be what counts in the end.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’re doing great.

… But hey, if worse comes to worst, you can always try again next year. 

DISCLAIMER* Please note, this advice is general in nature and we strongly recommend consulting the product manual and where relevant, a professional installer.

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